"Bhishma said, 'Sudhakshina, the ruler of the Kamvojas, is in my judgment, equal to a single Ratha. Desiring the success of thy object, he will certainly fight with the enemy in battle. O best of kings, the Kauravas will behold the prowess of this lion among car-warriors exerted for thee, to be equal to that of Indra himself in battle. As regards the car-army of this king, O monarch, those smiters of fierce impetus, the Kamvojas, will cover a large area like a flight of locusts! Coming from (the province of) Mahishmati, Nila, accoutred in blue mail, is one of thy Rathas. With his car-army he will cause a great havoc among thy foes, O child, he had hostilities with Sahadeva. O king, he will continually fight for thee, O thou of Kuru's race. Accomplished in battle, and of fierce energy and prowess, (the princes) Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti are both regarded as excellent Rathas. These two heroes among men will consume the troops of thy foes, with maces and bearded darts, and swords and long shafts, and javelins hurled from their hands. Like a couple of (elephant) leaders sporting in the midst of their herds, these two princes, O monarch, longing for battle, will range the field, each like Yama himself. The five (royal) brothers of Trigarta are, in my judgment, all foremost of Rathas. The sons of Pritha provoked hostilities with them at Virata's city on that (well-known) occasion. Like huge Makaras, O king, agitating the stream of the Ganges crested with high waves, they will agitate the ranks of the Parthas in battle. All the five, O king, are Rathas, having Satyaratha (amongst them) as their first. Remembering the wrongs inflicted on them of old by that son of Pandu who is Bhima's younger brother, when the latter, O Bharata, on his car drawn by white steeds, was engaged, O monarch, in subjugating all the kings of the earth, they will certainly exert themselves bravely in battle. Encountering many Maharathas--chief of bowmen--leaders of Kshatriyas--on the side of the Parthas, they will certainly slay them. Thy son Lakshmana and the son also of Dussasana--those tigers among men are both unretreating in battle. In prime of youth, of delicate limbs, endued with great activity, those two princes, well-versed with battles and capable of leading all, those tigers among Kurus, those car-warriors, are, I think, two of our best Rathas. Devoted to the duties of the Kshatriya order, those two heroes will achieve great feats. Dandadhara, O monarch, is, O bull among men, equal to a single Ratha. Guarded by his own soldiers, he will fight in battle for thee. Endued with great impetus and prowess, king Vrihadvala, the ruler of the Kosalas, is, in my judgment, O sire, equal to one Ratha. Fierce in arms, this mighty bowman, devoted to the good of the Dhartarashtras, will exert himself powerfully in battle, gladdening his own friends. Kripa, the son of Saradwat is, O king, a leader of leaders of car-ranks. Reckless even of life which is so dear, he will consume thy foes. Born among a clump of heath as the son of that great sage, viz., the preceptor Gautama, otherwise called Saradwat, he is invincible like Kartikeya himself. Consuming untold warriors armed with various weapons and bows, he will, O sire, roam forth on the field of battle like a blazing fire.'"